The poles for canopies shade structures are fabricated using the type of pole conical steel plate S235JR (according to the UNI EN 10025) or conical pole HSP hot rolled (according to UNI EN 10219), then bent until you reach the required characteristics.

Our posts can be supplied in two versions:
- For direct burying the foundation plinth;
- With a special base flange.

The recommended range (between pole and pole), for the construction of a shade structure and standard' of about 4.5 m.
The stake clerk and a conical straight from the sheet to 6800 mm, sp. 4 mm, base 128 mm and 60 mm top, that with the folding develops a projection of 4500 mm, and a 'maximum height of 2500 mm measured at the tip.
A second solution is the 'use of a conical, straight hot rolled from 6800 mm, sp. 3/4 mm, base 114 mm and 60 mm at the top of S275 JR material, which with the folding develops a projection of 4500 mm, and a 'maximum height of 2500 mm measured at the tip.
The galvanizing is carried out by immersion of materials in tanks of molten zinc at a temperature of 450 ° C, where the thickness of the zinc coating and 'in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 1461.
The pole is verified used without loads of snow or 'other exceeds the pure cloth sunshades, not supplied.
At stake curved canopy will be provided as an optional application kit.

Each kit consists of 05 nr collars of different diameters, the mobile part and fixing for fastening the cross tubes.