The light towers are structures that are used to support projectors and accessories.
They are constructed with tubular sections to form a truncated pyramid sheet-folded and welded longitudinally.
The sections are later assembled on site by "grafting forced" (Slip on Joint).
The stems are made of sheet 'steel S355JR UNI EN 10025 (-bent and welded in stages through a welding procedure certified by RINA).
For each tower lighthouse performs the following operations:
- Cable entry slot (if the type-Ground);
- Application of a plate of grounding;
The galvanizing is carried out by immersion of materials in tanks of molten zinc at a temperature of 450 ° C, where the thickness of the zinc coating and 'in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 1461.
Each pole is then fitted with a plate.
Is attached technical documentation for filing Civil Engineers.
Each tower lighthouse at fixed platform is then fitted with a ladder marinara including caged, pitch intermediate rest (regulatory) and the upper platform of adequate size to 'use preset. Each accessory, steel S235jhr (Fe360B) UNI EN ISO 10025 and related hardware class 8.8.
The System
Within the MOBILE-CROWN LIGHTING TOWERS, those which are manuactured by LDT certainly represent highly advanced technical systems,
above all with regard to. SAE MANOEUVRABILITY AND EASE O HANDLING under any conditions thanks to a hinged-type system or coupling and releasing the crown rom the towing unit, which replaces the traditional steel lea spring systems. The mechanical centering o the crown is ensured by the presence o three orks with steel pins that guarantees the insertion accuracy and high resistance to loads by limiting the wear o the mechanical parts.The crown is moved by an electric chain hoist o adequate payload with CE label and connected to three stainless steel ropes placed on the drawing head astened to the top o the tower and connected to the crown through threaded regulation terminals. During the climb and the descent it is provided an anti-rotation system that prevents the movement in the horizontal plane o the crown during the handling. The arms are equipped with five Nylon pulleys (rather than the normal 2), which ensure smoother movements or the stainless steel cables and electrical power cables; this prevents the cables rom being subjected to any stress when the ascent and descent movements are activated. The chain hoist is connected to a connection cylinder, which transmits the movement directly to the ropes and thereby to the movable crown. Inside the base trunk, near the door, it is mounted a limit switch which controls the steps o coupling-release o the movable crown. The engine is equipped with a brake which starts operating in case o a lack o power during handling, by stopping the engine immediately and thus stopping the descent o the movable crown. The movable crown towers are equipped with CE marking in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42 / CE. The label, applied on each pole, reports: code o the tower; serial number: year o construction, electrical characteristics and capacity.
The mast
Based on the height o the tower itsel, the mast is composed o two or more tronc-conical shaped sections with polygonal cross-sections which are made rom bent and longitudinally welded sheet steel. The sections are coupled on site by using “Slip on Joint ”. The tower's base section is equipped with lodging or housing the movement mechanisms. The opening is equipped with locking anti- vandal door.
The towing unit
The towing unit, flanged to the top o the tower, consists o three steel monoblock arms welded at 120°, equipped with pulleys in plastic material or the sliding o the hoisting ropes o the movable crown. Depending on the number o oreseen ignitions, each arm may be provided with pulleys or the distribution o electrical cables.
Mobile loodlight support crown
The mobile floodlight support crown, which is made o steel profiles has a modular design that allows a large number o configurations according to the number, size and arrangement o the lighting units themselves. The crown is equipped with brackets or projectors, with any support brackets or power supply units and, where necessary, with any proper balancing counterweight.
Electrical equipment
Electrical equipment is made up o: an interlocked socket-outlet, or powering the floodlights via an IP65 junction box situated on the mobile crown which is also equipped with an outlet or the ground-based testing o the floodlights themselves. In the trunk, placed on the inspection door, there is a power socket or motorized winch. The installation includes a multipolar electric cable (3 + N + T) dimensioned in unction o installed power, o sel-supporting type, inextensible and anti-twist.
Mast and base langes: S355 steel UNI EN 10025
Structural work: S235JR steel UNI EN 10025
Cables: 2 stainless steel cables o an appropriate cross-section
Sockets, plugs, electrical boxes and electric cables are CE certiied.
Surace protection
All o the steel parts are hot-dip galvanized in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 1461 standard. On demand we can oer an eficient printing service: the color can be chosen among a range o commercial RAL, RAL DESIGN, NCS, PANTONE, BOERO.
Anchoring oundation block
Generally, the anchoring o the oundation block is guarantee by a base flange and anchor bolts. On demand, it is possible to provide the direct burying into the oundation plinth.
- Integrated
The base mast contains a motorized chain hoist, which is powered at 400V 50Hz equipped with a button panel or manoeuvring the unit rom a sae distance, as well as a limit switch sensor and a calibrated CE chain o an appropriate length or the height o the tower.
- Trolley-Mounted
The chain hoist is sustained by a wheel-mounted steel rame or easy transport. The trolley is equipped with a chain storage compartment, a chain coupling rod and a toolbox, as optional. The chain hoist comes equipped with a button panel or manoeuvring the unit rom a sae distance and a calibrated CE chain o an appropriate length or the height o the tower.
- Semi-integrated electric mechanism
The base mast contains a chain-action movement mechanism. The movement is perormed by an electricallypowered removable device equipped with a gear-motor and a mechanical connection joint. The manoeuvres are carried out rom a sae distance using the supplied button panel.
- Semi-integrated manual mechanism:
The base mast contains a chain-action movement mechanism. The motion is transmitted by means o detachable crank system.